by Dr Neha | Sep 20, 2021 | Body
When knee problems come into play, knee replacement surgery is often the best option for treatment. However, getting knee replacement surgery in Dubai can be difficult to find out about and understand. That’s why we’ve put together this blog post with tips that you need to know before and after knee replacement surgery in Dubai!
What is knee replacement?
Knee replacement is a surgical procedure that relieves knee pain and disability by replacing the knee joint surfaces. The goal of knee replacement surgery is to relieve knee pain, improve mobility, reduce stiffness or instability in the knee.
Knee replacement surgery is appropriate for people with knee pain that prevents them from living a normal life with a success rate of 98%. Knee problems may include knee arthritis, osteoarthritis, and knee injuries such as ruptured or torn ligaments, cartilage damage in the knee joint.
In most cases of severe knee pain due to arthritis or injury, knee replacement surgery can relieve knee pain and improve knee function.
The procedure usually takes one to two hours, it is performed under general anesthesia, and may require a hospital stay of up to two days in fit and well patients and upto five days for people with other medical conditions or who are obese. The knee joint surfaces include the femur (upper leg bone), tibia (lower leg bone), and the knee cap (patella). The knee joint surfaces are replaced with a prosthetic surface- either metal or plastic.
The goal of knee replacement surgery is to relieve knee pain, improve mobility, reduce stiffness or instability in the knee.
What you should do before a knee replacement surgery?
Before knee replacement surgery, you should talk with your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking. You might need to stop them beforehand and change up the dosage as needed. This includes aspirin, antihistamines, cold remedies like Sudafed (pseudoephedrine), products containing caffeine including some pain relievers such as Advil or Aleve, and any supplements like vitamins with iron.
You should also be sure to clear out your stomach by not eating solid foods for 24 hours before the procedure. Other things that can slow down digestion include clay products such as Kaopectate (loperamide), laxatives, antacids, and heartburn medications.
You will also need to stop eating any dairy products like milk or cheese at least 72 hours before knee replacement surgery because they slow down the digestive process.
You should be sure not to eat any citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, or tangerines either because of their acidic content they can interfere with the knee replacement surgery.
You should also stop smoking before knee surgery because it can affect the healing process and you might not be able to smoke for weeks after knee replacement. You will need to use a nicotine patch or gum if you want to try quitting cold turkey instead of using medication like Chantix (varenicline) which can interfere with knee replacement surgery.
You should also try to stop taking any over-the-counter medications that you use on a regular basis like ibuprofen or Tylenol before knee replacement surgery because they can interfere with blood clotting and increase bruising after knee replacement.
Before knee replacement, talk to your doctor about all of these things so that there are no complications.
What to expect during the procedure?
Knee replacement surgery is a surgical procedure in which the knee joint surfaces are replaced by metal components. The procedure of knee replacements can take place under general anesthesia, or it may be performed with an epidural injection that numbs specific areas.
– Surgery will last for approximately two hours and you should expect to stay at least one night post-surgery.
– You will be prescribed pain medication to help manage knee pain, which may last for up to a week after the procedure.
– After knee replacement surgery you should expect some stiffness in your knee and it is possible that you will experience difficulties bending or straightening your knee due to scar tissue build-up around the joint. This scar tissue can be removed with knee injections or a second surgery.
– As the knee heals, you will need to restrict your movement in order to avoid pain and further damage to the joint.
– After about six weeks of restricted movement, it is possible for people who have had knee replacements to fully return back to their normal daily activities.
– Typical knee pain relief medication includes acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen, and naproxen.
– The knee replacement surgery process is relatively simple but it can be painful during the recovery phase; make sure you’re prepared for this by having other people help with your daily activities or at least provide you with lots of support.
How to prepare for recovery and what you can expect once you’re home
After knee replacement surgery, you’ll have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon. Your knee will be iced to reduce swelling and there is a risk of blood clots so it’s important that you stay mobile as much as possible until the doctor approves the physical activity.
- The knee may feel stiff or too weak for walking right away.
- You may need crutches or a knee scooter. You’ll only be able to put weight on your knee if you have assistance and it’s okayed by the doctor, so use them as needed until then.
- It’s important to avoid stairs or any knee extension exercises (bending it upwards, e.g., when getting out of bed) until advised
- As you get better and more mobile, some simple at-home knee strengthening exercises can help: hold on to a chair and raise your knee as high as it will go, or use a towel to walk on.
- Your knee may feel stiff for up to six weeks after surgery, but with time you’ll be able to put more weight on it. The knee joint capsule is tight in the first few months because of swelling: we recommend wearing compression knee sleeves to help with knee pain.
- Physical therapy is an important part of healing from knee surgery, but don’t push yourself too hard during the first weeks. It’s important to take it easy and listen to your knee, which may be feeling very tight or sore.
Tips on how to protect your new knee from injury or pain after surgery
The knee is a complicated joint, so it’s not surprising that knee replacement surgery takes time to recover from and there are many factors to consider when recovering. However, if you follow these tips for how to protect your new knee after knee surgery, the recovery process will be easier than expected.
– Stretch: Stretching before any physical activity can help with knee pain and prevents injury.
– Wear a knee brace: A knee brace will protect your new knee from trauma or sudden movements that could cause you to fall, which is dangerous for anyone who’s had knee replacement surgery. It may also be recommended by physical therapists if they are concerned about varus/valgus knee instability.
– Stay off of knee: Stay off your knee as much as possible for the first few weeks after surgery to allow it time to heal and develop scar tissue. After that, you should only put pressure on your knee when absolutely necessary (e.g., walking down a long hallway). You can also test if putting weight on your knee causes pain and swelling.
– Take medications as prescribed: If you are given any medication to take after surgery, be sure to follow the instructions on how much and when it should be taken exactly as instructed. Medication can help with knee pain post-surgery during recovery by reducing inflammation.
– Wiggle toes or touch toes to knee: This exercise will help keep your foot flexible and the muscles in your lower leg strong.
– Don’t cross legs when sitting: Crossing one knee over another can put stress on the knee joint, so it’s important not to do this for any length of time post surgery.
– Rest as much as possible: This is crucial for knee surgery recovery.
– Massage: A knee massage can help relieve pain and pressure on the knee joint from osteoarthritis because it releases synovial fluid that lubricates the joint–a common problem with arthritis sufferers.
– Ice packs: Ice packs can be applied to a knee during or after knee surgery to reduce swelling, knee pain, or arthritis symptoms.
– Knee brace: A knee brace is a good idea for someone who has had knee replacement surgery because it can lessen the force of impact on your new knee and protect you from an injury that could cause more damage.
– Stay active but not too much: It’s important to maintain a healthy level of activity during knee surgery recovery. It’s best to try and keep it gentle or light because any long periods of intense activity can lead to knee pain, swelling, and injury.
– Swimming: If you’re not able to stay active through the other tips mentioned here, swimming is a great alternative that gives your joints support while not putting too much stress on your knee.
– Push yourself: A little bit of activity is better than none, so if you’re able to stay active and do a light workout like swimming or gentle stretching, it’ll help with knee pain recovery.
The knee is a complicated joint, so it’s not surprising that knee replacement surgery takes time to recover from and there are many factors to consider when recovering.
Helpful things people have done to get back on their feet after surgery – including walking aids, physical therapy exercises, and more
– Physical therapists teach knee replacement patients how to increase their range of motion with knee joint movement and lower extremity strengthening activities. These physical therapist-led sessions are crucial in helping knee surgery patients get back on their feet after they have recovered from the surgery, but it is important for them not to start too soon, or do too much.
– Knee replacement patients are advised to wait about six weeks before starting these exercises because knee joints need time to heal and strengthen after surgery. They should also start with light resistance movements like knee bends, hamstring stretches, toe raises, side leg lifts while sitting on a chair; then progress into more difficult exercises as knee strength improves.
– A knee replacement patient should consult with their physical therapist before starting a knee strengthening program so they can be given the best instructions for getting back on their feet after knee surgery, and avoid any potential setbacks from exercising too soon or not doing enough of an exercise to get strong again.
As you can see, there are a number of things to consider before and after knee replacement surgery. It’s important that your recovery is as successful as possible so contact me on if you have any questions about what I talked about in this blog post or would like more information on the procedure itself. If you’re looking for additional information about how to recover well from knee replacement surgery, I’ve got some helpful insights well!
Frequently asked questions:
What is the cost of a replacement knee surgery in Dubai?
Surgery in Dubai varies, but in a recent report on surgical services published last year, the average cost per knee replacement was $2,925.00 USD (5,466.52 AED).
Different hospitals have different rates and policies for surgery and typically offer pre-hospitalization services as well post-treatment care such as physical therapy. Patients should consider talking with their insurance providers to understand what surgical costs will be covered by their insurers before considering any medical treatments.
Does knee replacement surgery replace the kneecap?
Much depends on the diagnosis. If your surgeon deems necessary then yes , he will replace the cartilage that has eroded away over time. This doesn’t make for an easy surgery however and recovery can take months. That said, if all you need are a few ligaments tightened up, no surgery is needed in this case but a physical therapist can help with strengthening exercises to get your knee range of motion back.
The knee replacement surgery does not replace the kneecap in most cases. Sometimes, a partial or complete knee replacement might be needed to replace the entire knee joint.
How many months does it take to recover from a knee replacement?
It takes between six months to a year for an individual to recover from surgery.
The time period after surgery will vary depending on the type and scope of the surgery that has been performed. Time is needed for healing, and it is important to listen to your body during this phase of recovery. In addition, some rehabilitation exercises are often required in order to maintain range of motion in other limb joints and even parts of the leg that have not had any form of surgical intervention.
What is the best knee replacement today?
The best knee replacement would depend on the person and their injury. However, in general, a total knee replacement is usually a good option when there is significant joint damage or deformity due to severe arthritis.
What happens if you wait too long for a knee replacement?
Waiting too long for a knee replacement will make it more difficult to find enough cartilage left in the joint to use as part of the healing process.
Waiting too long does not usually affect the outcome of surgery, but studies show that there is a correlation between waiting and post-operative arthritic changes in patients who undergo bilateral knee replacement operations. Further research should clarify whether delaying surgery puts undue stress on other joints or on bone structure; however, it does seem likely that prolonged pain may alter kinematics and cause additional wear and tear throughout the body.
What is the average hospital stay for a knee replacement?
A typical knee replacement should take 2-3 hours, but there are many factors that could slow the process down.
There are many physical and psychological factors that contribute to how long this procedure will take, such as age — younger patients tend to do well because they have less systemic disease and are able to tolerate general anesthesia better than older patients; general health — those with good cardiovascular function and no other significant co-morbidities usually recover more quickly; pre-surgical physiotherapy or home rehabilitation programme – people who maintain movement following their injury often experience shorter stays.
How far should I be walking after knee replacement?
The amount of walking will depend on how well an individual’s knee has recovered and the level of support, including physical therapy and their level of activity. Exercises and range-of-motion exercises could be scaled back if needed. So it really depends on who you are talking to for your answer, as there are many factors that contribute to recovery times. What is important is that you should try not to overexert yourself when first getting up out or sleeping in chairs can help prevent injury while recovering from a surgery like this one. Though this may seem extreme for someone with a condition that might keep them from doing what they used to do before, over time these short adjustments can make a world difference in the quality of life.
What is the best age to have a knee replacement?
There is no “best age” for a knee replacement. Factors that affect the decision may include your health, symptoms of pain and disability, activities you would like to be able to do again after surgery, your rehabilitation options following a knee replacement, and any other health problems you have.
It’s also important to know that even with successful joint replacement surgery there can still be physical limitations related to the condition of joints in surrounding areas such as an ankle or hip: weakness from certain muscles; stiffness because of inflammation; or chronic pain syndrome which is when nerve signals are received but not interpreted correctly by the brain. The surgeon will identify these areas at your pre-operative visit and discuss them with you.
How bad does a knee have to be before replacement?
The most common reasons for replacing the knee are severe arthritis, joint dislocation, or an accident. Other less common reasons may be osteonecrosis (loss of blood flow to bone tissue), loosening of the tendons in this area, or bone tumors that require removal.
This question has been answered as it seems by different people and their response may not be accurate to everyone’s situation which can make it difficult for an answer on a specific situation. For more information please seek professional medical care as everyone’s case is different.
Can you live a normal life with a knee replacement?
Yes, studies report that after 1 year, healthy adults and older adults with mobility limitations were equally satisfied with their new knee replacements and had made similarly meaningful gains in health-related quality of life measures. In other words, most people who are looking to get a knee replacement should go ahead without fear as the outcomes may not be worse for them than anyone else’s. There is also evidence suggesting that these respondents overall have a good quality of life.
What are the top hospitals and doctors for Knee Replacement in UAE
- King’s College Hospital –
- Zulekha Hospitals –
- Burjeel Hospital –
- NMC Specialty Hospital –
- American Hospital –
- Aster Hospital –
Knee is a joint in the human body that connects the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shinbone).
The knee joint is a hinge joint in the middle of the lower limb that connects the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shinbone).
knee replacement surgery is a surgical procedure in which damaged cartilage on the surface of the knee joint is replaced with artificial material.
Knee replacement surgery is performed when the knee joint has become damaged due to arthritis, injury, or infection. The damaged area of the knee joint is removed and replaced with an artificial joint.
Bilateral knee replacement surgery is a surgical procedure in which both knees are replaced with artificial joints. This type of joint replacement surgery is performed when there is severe pain and disability due to arthritis in both knees.
Knee surgery is any surgical procedure performed on the knee joint. This includes arthroscopic procedures, open surgeries, and total knee replacements.
Revision knee replacement surgery is performed when the initial procedure was not successful.
Severe knee pain is defined as pain that interferes with daily activities.
Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that causes pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of function. There are many types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), gout, psoriatic arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), fibromyalgia, and Lyme disease.
Focal knee resurfacing is a procedure that involves removing damaged cartilage from the surface of the knee joint and replacing it with a plastic implant. This type of surgery is used to treat osteoarthritis in the knee.
Care is the action of taking good care of someone or something.
Intensive care is a medical specialty that provides critical care for patients who require constant monitoring and intervention.
An intensive care unit (ICU) is an area in a hospital that provides critical care for patients who need constant monitoring and treatment.
Medical care includes all health services provided by physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, therapists, and other health professionals.
Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is an inpatient facility that provides specialized medical care for newborns who are at risk of death or have life-threatening conditions.
Critical care is an interdisciplinary field that includes medicine, nursing, pharmacy, respiratory therapy, nutrition, psychology, social work, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, dentistry, and others.
An international patient care center (IPCC) is an organization that provides medical services for patients who have been referred from another country.
Outpatient care is medical treatment that takes place in an office or clinic setting rather than in a hospital. This includes visits to primary care physicians, specialists, dentists, physical therapists, and others.
Service is an activity that provides some benefit to another person or organization.
Ambulance services are medical emergency response teams that provide prehospital care for patients who have suffered an injury or illness requiring immediate medical attention.
Clinical services are those that provide medical care to patients in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and similar health facilities.
Medical services include all health care services provided by physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, and other allied health professionals. These services may be delivered in hospitals, clinics, physician offices, nursing homes, pharmacies, and other settings.
Cooperative services are those that provide goods or services for free or at reduced cost to members of a group.
Emergency services are those services that provide immediate medical care in an emergency situation. They include ambulance services, fire departments, police departments, and rescue squads.
Housekeeping services include cleaning, laundry, ironing, grocery shopping, meal preparation, and other household duties.
Impeccable service is a quality of service that is consistently delivered in an exemplary manner.
Orthopedics is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
Orthopedic surgery is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
To book an appointment with Dr. Kavita Patel for your orthopedic surgery needs, please call our office at (973) 595-8500. We look forward to seeing you soon!
advanced orthopedics
Advanced Orthopedics is an interdisciplinary field that combines the knowledge of medicine, biology, engineering, physics, chemistry, mathematics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, law, philosophy, history, and religion in order to provide solutions for problems related to human health and well being.
Dubai Orthopedic Clinic
Dubai Orthopedic Clinic is an orthopedic clinic in Dubai that provides treatment for patients suffering from various musculoskeletal disorders.
field of orthopedics
Orthopedics is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Orthopedic doctors are medical practitioners who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. They may be generalists or specialists.
An orthopedic surgeon is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, including injuries and diseases of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves, and blood vessels.
Joint replacement surgery is a surgical procedure in which damaged joints are replaced with artificial ones. This may be done for any type of joint, but most commonly involves replacing the hip or knee.
Bone is an inorganic material composed primarily of calcium phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2), carbonate (CO32−), and hydroxide (OH−). Calcium phosphate is the most abundant mineral in bone, making up about 70% of its dry weight. Other minerals include magnesium, sodium, potassium, fluoride, silicon, sulfur, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, aluminum, chromium, nickel, and lead.
Thigh bone is the largest bone in the human body. It is located on the front side of the hip joint.
Bone Densitometry
Bone densitometry is a medical imaging technique used to measure bone mineral density (BMD) in patients. BMD is an indicator of bone health and can be measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
bone graft
Bone grafting is the surgical insertion of bone into an area that has been damaged by injury, infection, or disease.
Bone loss occurs when there is an imbalance between bone formation and bone resorption. This can be caused by a number of factors, including hormonal changes, poor nutrition, smoking, lack of exercise, and certain medications.
Bone spurs are small bony outgrowths that form on the ends of bones. They can be found in many places throughout the body, but they are most commonly seen at the joints of the fingers and toes.
femur bone
Femur (Latin for thigh) is the longest and strongest bone in the human skeleton. It is located on the upper leg, just below the hip joint.
Treatment is any action taken to alleviate or cure a medical condition.
Treatment plan is a set of actions that will be taken in order to achieve a specific goal.
Medical treatment refers to any intervention that aims to improve health outcomes for patients. This includes treatments that are used in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities.
Treatment options include all interventions that can be used to treat an illness or condition. These may include medications, surgery, physical therapy, psychological counseling, complementary therapies, lifestyle changes, and others.
Conservative treatments are those that do not involve surgery or invasive procedures. They include medications, physical therapy, injections, and other noninvasive therapies.
non-surgical treatment options
Non-surgical treatments include medications, physical therapy, injections, and other therapies that can be used to treat pain and improve function.
orthopedic treatment
Orthopedic treatment is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
Healthcare is the provision of health services and care for people who have a physical, mental, emotional, social, or spiritual need that cannot be met by their family, friends, or community.
Radiology department is a department in a hospital that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases using medical imaging techniques.
Business Excellence Department
The Business Excellence department is responsible for the development and implementation of the company’s business strategy. This includes the identification of new markets, products, services, and distribution channels; the development of marketing plans and strategies; and the management of all aspects of the company’ s sales and service operations.
Emergency Department
An emergency department (ED) is a medical facility that provides immediate care for patients who have life-threatening conditions or injuries.
Orthopedics department
Orthopedic surgery is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, cartilage, skin, and subcutaneous tissue.
vast experience
Vast experience is the ability to perform a task without having been taught how to do so.
memorable experience
A memorable experience is an event that has a lasting impact on your life.
nice experience
Nice experience means that you have had a good time in your life.
Experience is the accumulation of knowledge and skills over time.
How is partial knee replacement better than a full knee replacement?
Partial knee replacement is better than a full knee because it allows patients to avoid having to undergo another surgery. The procedure is also less expensive than a full knee replacement.
Why should you go for Knee Replacement surgery in the UAE
If you want to live a pain free life, then you need to consider having knee replacement surgery in the UAE. The best place to do this is Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, and other parts of the United Arab Emirates. This is because these cities offer world class hospitals where you can receive quality treatment at affordable prices.
Which activities will I be able to do after a full knee replacement, and which will I not?
After a full knee replacement, you will be able to walk normally again, but you will need to use crutches for support until your knee heals. You will also be able to drive, but you may need to use a hand brake when driving at high speeds. You will also be unable to kneel down or squat down.
How is Knee replacement surgery performed in Dubai?
Knee replacement surgery is performed in Dubai using minimally invasive techniques. The patient is placed under general anesthesia and the surgeon makes a small incision in the knee joint. A small amount of bone is removed from the front of the knee and replaced with artificial parts. After the procedure, the patient is usually able to walk again after about two weeks.
How is Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery Performed?
The robotic knee replacement surgery is performed using a small camera attached to the surgeon’s wrist. This allows the surgeon to view the inside of the patient’s knee joint from all angles. The surgeon then uses a computerized robot arm to perform the operation.
How to Prepare for Total Knee Replacement Surgery?
Total knee replacement surgery is a common procedure performed to treat severe arthritis in the knees. The surgery usually takes about 2 hours and requires general anesthesia. After the surgery, patients may need physical therapy to regain strength and mobility. Patients should be prepared for pain after the surgery, which can last up to 6 weeks.
What are the Risks of Total Knee Replacement Surgery?
The risks of total knee replacement surgery include infection, blood clots, nerve damage, and death. However, these risks are rare. Most patients who undergo total knee replacement surgery experience no complications at all.
What is the success rate of Knee Replacement in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)?
The success rate of knee replacement surgery depends on several factors such as the severity of the condition, the age of the patient, and the surgeon’s experience. However, the success rate for knee replacement surgery in the United Arab Emirates is high.
What are the symptoms of arthritis in the knee?
The symptoms of arthritis in the knees include pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of function. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor immediately.
by Aditya Nagarajan | May 21, 2021 | Body
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the best rule of thumb for healthy body weight is 1.5 pounds per day of physical activity per week. Flexibility training such as stretching does not directly contribute to heart health, but what you do can benefit by promoting musculoskeletal health.
What are the different types of workouts you can try at home?
Focusing on slow, precise body movements that flow from one pose to the next, Tai Chi is a very effective exercise therapy for balance, especially for older adults who are looking for safe and gentle exercises. Pilates is performed in a low-rainfall movement pattern, which is most often associated with the use of a resistance machine. A typical Pilates routine includes a variety of exercises that promote posture, balance, and flexibility, as well as core strength.
Tai Chi varies the weight by moving it from one leg to the other, alternately raising arms, legs, and hands, increasing flexibility and mobility, and improving balance and coordination. Anaerobic exercises, including strength and resistance training, can strengthen muscles, strengthen and increase muscle mass, and improve bone density, balance, coordination, etc. This also includes intensive interval training, which increases short-term muscle strength.
An example of a strength exercise is an exercise such as squats, deadlifts, push-ups, and pulling. These are also good for building arm muscles and for strengthening the lower back, shoulders, hips, legs, and feet.
For abdominal and core strength, rowing, yoga, pilates, planking, and crunching are impossible to beat. These exercises also help your body to remain flexible, which means that your muscles and joints can easily stretch and bend. Greater flexibility can also help people perform better in other sports, such as football and lacrosse, and also improve their quality of life.
In short, push-ups can also be a form of cardiovascular training that boosts heart health. As with planking, correctly performed push-ups exercise the muscles necessary for the correct posture. Those who find these exercises boring can always orient themselves on the variations preferred by trainers.
I would suggest adding a bodyweight training program for resistance training. So, you could take alternate days and use only your body weight on one day while building up more resistance on the next day. If you have ever done push-ups, squats, deadlifts, and other high-intensity exercises, string them together for a few days. These moves can certainly be challenging and you may need to make a few changes to your workout to make sure you get the most out of your time.
How does strength training help you?
Reduced – Strength training equipment is an easy way to get started so beginners can start doing whole-body exercises, but the price of strength training equipment can be an obstacle and demotivate others. There are times when using the gym becomes unsafe or impossible, which means if you focus on bodyweight exercises, you are guaranteed to be able to perform your routine anywhere.
The key is to mix different types of physical activity, and the most effective workout plans should include a mix of bodyweight exercises, cardio, strength training, and aerobic exercises. You may benefit from a gym that provides trainers and personal trainers, but if you’re looking for a fitness plan, you’ll benefit too.
When you take time off the gym, you should use some of the equipment you have at home, such as resistance bands, to stay in shape. You will not only maximize your health benefits but also keep your workouts varied and interesting. There are also challenges to simple movements such as press-ups and squats, whether small or large, with simple exercises such as squats and deadlifts, as well as more complex exercises such as squats.
If you cannot do standard push-ups with good form, you will still reap many of the benefits of these exercises for muscle building and strength building. Squats can be strengthened with resistance band exercises, which are best done on a circuit. These will train the muscles in the lower body and will drop you into a changed posture with your knees.
How does bodyweight training help you in keeping fit?
Bodyweight training is hugely popular, and celebrities such as Liam Hemsworth and Jennifer Aniston are known to extol the benefits of whole-body exercise and use it as part of their fitness routine. By using the largest muscles in your body and burning calories, you can pack a big punch in terms of strength and fitness.
Bodyweight exercises can range from low to high intensity, depending on the type of exercise and the amount of weight you exercise for, as well as the intensity of the exercise. Bodyweight conditioning circuits include exercises such as cardio and calisthenics, which require less strength to do. Bodyweight training can be designed to build muscle mass and improve the strength, flexibility, and endurance of core muscles in your body, such as hips, knees, ankles, back, arms, legs, and shoulders.
So these are some of the home workouts you should definitely try to keep your physical health intact. You can consult a specialist for a step-by-step activity routine and start today!
by Dr Neha | Feb 12, 2021 | Body
Anyone who has ever woken up with terrible back pain will know how quickly this disease can derail you. You can choose between exercising to get better sleep, reduce your stress levels, or getting up and getting started.
If the tablets do not do enough for pain relief, your doctor may recommend prescription medications like pain killers. So, if you have back pain next time or are already suffering from it, consider the following methods for relieving back pain. Remember to discuss these natural remedies with your doctor before using them to make sure they come with no side effects.
Physical Therapy
PT for back pain includes both passive and active therapy, which contributes to improving spinal flexibility and the range of motion, as well as to the control of posture and movement, it is a natural remedy you can try for quick relief.
This provides short-term pain relief, and patients with back pain can find relief by changing their lifestyle, including changing their diet, and exercise habits, and by choosing more intensive treatment options. After examining data on the effectiveness of home remedies for back, neck, and knee pain in the United States, the Agency for Health Research and Quality concluded that people with back pain should first try conservative, natural treatments, and then consider other ways to relieve pain if the pain persists.
Although most back pain is uncomplicated and can be cured with the above-mentioned treatments, further procedures may be necessary. Yoga is recommended by many doctors for all types of pain relief, even for low pain, because posture can change the overall fitness level and the patient’s goals.
For patients who are overweight or are in a very poor physical condition, a gentle daily walking program can make a huge difference to them. Swimming is a great treatment because it has little impact and trains all body parts, including the cardiovascular system.
Stretching is often recommended, patients can feel the benefits no matter where their pain is. But, according to the National Institutes of Health, about one in five US citizens suffers from chronic back pain, defined as pain that lasts 12 weeks or more. Subacute pain in the lower area lasts from 4 to 12 weeks, chronic pain from 12 to 24 weeks.
Even in these cases, there are many different treatment options to alleviate the symptoms. Many therapeutic masseurs offer targeted therapies with essential oils as a pain reliever. These can be very effective in combination with other treatments and are offered by many therapeutic massage providers.
Finding a pain-free sleep position when you have back pain can be challenging, but good sleep promotes healing. If you are a back sleeper, you can use a support pillow on your knees and place one on each knee while sleeping on both sides.
If your doctor allows painkillers, it will allow you to sleep and reduce the pain when it is severe. I’ve found that low pain treatment can provide slightly better relief than paracetamol or Tylenol. Even if you exercise patience, it can help reduce back pain that pushes you down for temporary relief.
Dr. Park recommends taking NSAID as soon as possible after consulting your doctor, preferably within 24 hours of the first sign of pain, but not before.
Effects Of Extreme Temperature
Try to bathe in a warm bath before bed, or use the cold and heat to relieve the pain, or put a bag of frozen peas inside to use, as ice therapy. If you want to get into the mood, you can break out a bottle of ice or even a cup of warm water when your pain has set in. Cold and hot water mixed together can be very helpful in getting rid of nerve compression.
Spinal arthritis affects all facets of the joint between the spine and lumbar spine and ultimately leads to constant bone and nerve pain. In the early stages, you can respond to occasional mild back pain with one or more of these tips above. Only your doctor can determine whether arthritis in any facet of your joint is the source of chronic pain in that area and, if so, what kind of pain.
A chiropractor manipulates the back to release tension and move stiff muscles painlessly and promotes blood circulation. They can also help to increase muscle flexibility that keeps your spine in an uncomfortable position, which brings relief to upper and lower body pain. Massages with a physiotherapist can release tense muscles in the back, allowing for a realignment that reduces pressure on painful joints and ligaments.
Most people can relieve their pain after a herniated disc with medication and physical therapy, with improvement occurring in about four to six weeks. A physiotherapist can work to ease your pain and correct spinal problems over time.
In cases where the pain is very severe, surgery can be used as a last resort. For example, applying a heating pad (heat therapy) or freezing pad (cold therapy) for long periods of time to the affected area can be a good way to temporarily relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Take 10 to 15 minutes to lie down with a pillow or two over your hips and on your stomach.
by Dr Neha | Feb 5, 2021 | Body
According to a new study, one of the easiest ways to lose weight, build muscle and build strength and stamina after a workout is within minutes. Before deciding on a protein shake, whey or casein, or any other protein, you should weigh up the pros and cons of the product.
Pros and cons:
If you are thinking about adding it to your routine, here are the pros and cons of protein shakes. You can make a shake with protein powder mixed with water, milk, or other liquids, as well as a variety of other ingredients. Protein shakes may not be the miracle substance advertised as such, but they can still be useful to your body, mainly post-workout. It offers you the best chance to lose weight and maintain your current weight and muscle mass.
Compared to people who follow a standard diet, people who try to reduce weight, lose more total weight in the first few weeks after exercise. Weight loss or lean muscle gain also fastens with the consumption of all the nine essential amino acids the body requires.
Do not use a shake as a means to an end, but as part of a healthy diet and exercise plan to get the best results from it. It is not so important whether you drink a before workout protein shake or post-workout protein shake or whether you drink it at all. It is important that you eat protein throughout the day and vary your protein source to ensure that you give your body the right nutrients it needs to rebuild and strengthen your muscles.
Several studies have shown that whey protein shakes as part of a healthy diet and exercise plan can cause you to lose weight. Workout supplements work wonders when it comes to weight management and muscle repair. Drinking protein before and during the exercise may increase the protein synthesis in your body by several percentages, which is great for your health and also helps in muscle growth. This also helps you in increasing your glycogen stores for your next routine without getting tired.
By adding other protein sources such as grass-fed beef, chicken, eggs, and dairy products – you will achieve your recommended daily intake of 1.5 grams per day.
Which protein is good for you?
Eating a sufficient amount of protein can be difficult, therefore, using protein powder in a shake or smoothie is a great way to ensure that your needs are met. Drinking protein, which includes carbohydrates, is good for busy people who need a quick protein intake to boost their energy levels after a long day at the gym.
Your activity level also determines how much protein your body needs to build muscle, and every gram of protein per pound of body weight should be enough to promote muscle growth in combination with exercise. Whey protein powders or Casein powder which have milk protein can be absorbed more quickly by the body, which helps to supply muscles with amino acids more effectively.
Even if you eat a lot of natural protein, it may not be necessary to add extra protein to a shake. If you eat complete protein after exercise, the process of muscle recovery begins much earlier than if you don’t, according to the National Institutes of Health.
In addition, drinking a whey protein shake after training can help replenish the lost fluid after sweating out. Studies advise athletes to get protein shakes immediately, as they might forget what they ate and go hungry for several hours. Whey protein acts as a better meal replacement than any other substitute. These are not all the pros of a protein shake before training, but if you do, it will kick-start recovery sooner rather than later.
The prices can vary widely, so before you commit to a particular product or think about using it for a long time, consider the cost per serving. If powder costs less than a ready-to-eat shake, you can go for those. Whey protein shakes are great if you’re traveling long distances or have trouble finding a place to eat. Don’t forget the benefits of a protein shake after training, not only for your body but for the rest of your life.
If this is too much for your budget, you might want to buy a high-protein, low-fat supplement to supplement your diet. While the answer to this question depends primarily on whether you get enough protein from real foods, there are other considerations that you should keep in mind.
Advantages and disadvantages:
Let us briefly consider some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with the consumption of it, with an emphasis on whey protein. Of course, protein shakes are a great way to increase your daily protein intake, but many serious strength training programs find that they are unable to get enough high-quality protein from their diet without supplementing it. This is especially advantageous for trainers who pay little attention to the intake of other protein sources such as nuts, seeds, and legumes.
If you just want to use a workout protein shake to boost your energy, stick to loose powders. Some pre-made shakes, such as whey protein, are marketed to bodybuilders wanting to gain bodyweight or people who cannot meet their daily nutritional needs with their normal diet.
A healthy breakfast is recommended as it helps to increase the metabolism in a natural way over time and to increase the energy level after training. You also need to have a balanced meal throughout the day which meets the total protein needs of your body.
If you wake up a little later than usual or are on your way to the gym and need something to replenish, a protein shake can ensure you still get all the nutrients you need, which come from a full meal. A bottle with a good protein ratio can increase your protein intake with fewer calories. If you’re on your way to the gym or workout routine, swap your breakfast for a quick shake. They are easy to prepare and can also be prepared at home.
by Dr Neha | Feb 3, 2021 | Body
Many spicy foods contain a substance called capsaicin, which naturally boosts metabolism. Although there is nothing wrong with eating more protein, adding spices regularly to meals can also offer a metabolic benefit.
Drinking tea and coffee regularly will make a difference in your weight loss and improve your diet. Linked to a reduction in obesity, green tea is often seen as contributing to an impressive 5% improvement in metabolism. The caffeine in your morning cup could seriously reduce obesity and significantly increase your metabolic rate, thereby promoting long-term weight loss.
The best way to boost metabolism is through a healthy diet combined with a workout plan, but the effects are tiny, according to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACM).
How to increase your metabolism rate?
Make sure your well-rounded exercise program includes activities that will get your heart pumping and incorporate high-intensity exercise into your fitness regime. Instead, eat nutritious foods, a lot of water, supplement your workout program with running, try strength training, and build muscles through strength – exercises to build muscles. To avoid the extra weight, you also need to eat a healthy diet, with adequate portions, but that will not help you lose excess pounds or kilograms. In addition, the scarcity of calories slows down the body’s ability to burn calories to save the fuel available.
Overall, too few calories are consumed and the body loses muscle mass, which actually slows down the metabolic rate. A healthy diet with sufficient fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts can provide sufficient energy to influence your weight.
This concoction contains a type of antioxidant that triggers the release of fat from fat cells and helps to accelerate the liver’s ability to convert fat into energy. Interestingly, green tea seems to increase metabolism – which increases the effect of resistance training. In a recent 12-week study by Dalhousie University, participants who drank 4-5 cups of green tea a day did 25-minute workouts and lost an average of 2.5 pounds a week more than tea drinkers who did not.
The body burns energy to warm its body to body temperature, and we have a metabolic fat known as brown fat that helps regulate temperature and keep us warm when we are cold. A study found that after a glass of water, the metabolism increases by 24 percent within an hour. Simply put, metabolism is the body’s ability to extract energy from food, which we consume through many complex biochemical processes. It is regulated by the thyroid gland and each person metabolizes at slightly different speeds.
High says there is a market for products that speed up metabolism, but in reality, supplements boost metabolism significantly.
Excercise & Breakfast
He explains that resistance training is not only a good way to tone and shape muscles but also a good way to increase the speed of metabolism. The more muscle mass you have, the more muscle you burn, and the higher your body’s metabolism, the more calories you burn. If we have a high metabolism, we burn more carbohydrates and more energy than if we do not.
Embark on two safe and easy ways to boost your metabolism: exercise and a healthy breakfast. Resistance training is one of the best methods to naturally increase the rate of metabolism. Resistance training can be done at home, no equipment is needed and it is a great way to tone and shape muscles. If you’re wondering how to boost your metabolism, we’ve put together some tips for moving your fat upwards – burning fat – to help you reach your weight loss goals much faster.
White recommends building muscle mass, which in turn helps maintain or increase BMR. When you save calories, your body slows down its ability to burn them by saving the fuel it gets. If you don’t eat enough calories, your metabolism slows down and your body loses muscle mass, which reduces your metabolism.
Every time you eat, you give your metabolism a slight boost, and this is known as the thermal effect of food (TEF). It is said to generate energy in your body to boost metabolism and accounts for 10 percent of your total metabolism, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Lean muscles burn more calories than fat even when at rest. Increasing muscle mass will burn calories faster and help to increase metabolism. This is especially important if you exercise too much, as it naturally slows down the metabolism and you run the risk of losing muscle mass. In this sense, top exercise and nutrition keep your metabolism going so that your body can become a lean, mean, fat-burning machine.
Simply put, if you’re trying to lose weight or stay healthy, keep your metabolic engine going. We’ve also incorporated some of the best fat burning and metabolism – encouraging exercise to try it at home.
by Dr Neha | Nov 27, 2020 | Body, Health
Fruits have become so expensive in recent years that we feel an obligation to consume everything that’s bought from the supermarket. Most of the times they are chemically induced. Hence even if they seem to be ripe and mature, once you take a bite, you realize its the opposite. But you still consume it; a) because you paid for it, and b) fruits are always supposed to be giving out health benefits.
Fruits are considered the epitome of health, but not all are good for everyone or healthy from the start. Bioactive compounds are chemicals that are naturally present in fruits but are technically not nutrients and appear to have health benefits.
Eating fruits when they are still a bit green can bring some of the health benefits associated with the 70 to 80 per cent dry weight that consists of digestive-resistant starches. However, this is not applicable to all kinds of fruits. It’s unhealthy to consume unripe fruit because it turns out to act like the fruits of toxic plants, resulting in unpleasant issues.
Here is a list of the fruits which are healthy/unhealthy to consume in its unripened state.

Mangoes are the favourite fruit of the majority. Consumable in both raw and ripened state, it is known as the king of fruits. Mangoes are a powerhouse of nutrients and extremely delicious in taste, making them an ideal source of vitamins, minerals and fibre for pregnant women.
The unripened mangoes are rich in Vitamin C. They do have their own health benefits along with the sour taste which is due to the presence of citric, malic and oxalic acid. Unripened green mangoes are a major craving of pregnant women. Naturally, there are no components that in the unripened mangoes that can harm the pregnancy. Mangoes are very good for the baby and the mother can benefit from them during pregnancy, provided she does not suffer from a mango latex allergy.
But most of the fruits available in supermarkets are sprayed with calcium carbide with traces of arsenic and phosphorous, which can prove to be harmful to the mother and the foetus. Also over consumption of raw mangoes can lead to throat irritation, indigestion, dysentery and abdominal colic.

Bananas are the most popular fruit in the world and although they are usually considered sunny yellow, they can vary from firm green to soft with many brown spots. These fruits are generally tastier when fully ripe, but this is not always the case. Banana chips, a widely loved snack especially in India are made from green bananas.
Raw green bananas consist of 70-80% starch which converts into simple sugars such as sucrose, glucose, fructose etc. Hence the unripe ones are full of dietary fibres, which helps to control the blood sugar, keep the gut bacteria healthy and hence induce digestion.
However, it has its shortcomings too. In some individuals, consumption of unripe bananas leads to digestive disorders like constipation, gastrointestinal distress like gas, bloating etc. They may also cause the latex-fruit syndrome.

Apples are the next popular fruit after mango and bananas. Unripe apple is not much of a dangerous one to consume but their hard texture and sour taste can bring digestive discomfort due to excessive ethylene gas. So, to enjoy an unripe apple, you can poach it or fry it rather than having it in its raw unripened green state.
Well, now that it is established that tomatoes are fruits, let us come to the outcomes of consuming unripe green tomatoes. In fact, they turn out to be health with antioxidant properties. But they are also hard and tough to digest. There have been instances where people tend to be sensitive to alkaloids present in the fruit and also suffer from gut irritation. Tomatoes contain glycoalkaloids, which are easily toxic when consumed raw in large quantities and can cause nausea and vomiting.

However, it is important to point out that not all green tomatoes are unripe. Green tomatoes are a variety who even in matured and ripened state is green. So, look at the texture and variety before consuming it.
Pineapples remind us of the tropical vacation we always wish. They are rich in vitamins, enzymes and oxidants. They also contribute to building a strong immunity system, along with bones and aid in indigestion. It contains a sufficient amount of VItamin C, along with manganese, along with thiamin.

However, consuming unripe pineapples is dangerous. Consumption of the unripe versions can end up in gastrointestinal distress. Even overconsumption of the ripe ones is not advised as it can cause mouth tenderness along with vomiting, diarrhoea, nausea etc.
There are more fruits just as the green cocoa mass that makes your mouth twitch with the astringency of an immature pineapple. Unripe peaches and quince berries are too difficult to chew and digest for a pregnant woman and the health of your baby. As mentioned earlier, unripe fruits such as tomatoes and pineapples contain slight toxins, and therefore eating them can even leave a poison behind. The nutrient quality of fruit varies, so it is difficult to predict which fruit is best for you. You can include more and different fruits in your diet, but for many varieties, it is better to eat them in their ripening stage, such as apples, cherries, pears and oranges.
If you are pregnant or have been diagnosed with a problem with your digestive system, it may be a good idea to let the fruits ripen fully before adding them to your diet. So, to summarize why we should not have unripened fruits, there are few common distresses for consuming any unripe versions of the fruit. Majority of these are related to gastrointestinal distress, skin issues, allergies. Experts say this is because your digestive system only wants to get rid of particles it cannot process properly, and it simply flushes them out. Constipation can also occur, which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and other digestive problems.
Most unripe fruits are acidic – tasting and astringent, and the compounds that give the fruit its acidic taste are naturally erosive and can eventually eat away at the enamel. To know more, click here!

Overripe fruit can still be eaten and easily transformed into smoothies and juices or used as an ingredient in ingredients such as banana bread. But eating fruit in this form is no better than not eating fruit at all, as dried or preserved products that contain a lot of sugar are not as good for you as whole fruits. Eating ripe fruit such as bananas does not mean that you add more sugar to your body because the amount of carbohydrates in the fruit has not increased since harvesting.
It is a common misconception to believe that the fruits in your fruit shop are the ripest you will get. If a fruit is not yet ripe or still seems to be, it is because it is not naturally green and may not be ripe at all. So keep a check on the fruits you purchase next time, and maybe stay away from the unripened fruits.
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